Our services include:
Recovery Coaching
Designed for individuals who are seeking recovery or are new to recovery as well as for families or loved ones of those with substance use disorders. Recovery Coaching provides the support and resources critical to lasting recovery. Recovery Coaching is available one-on-one or within group settings and is offered either in-person or over the phone.
Grief Support
Our grief support is designed for family members and loved ones who know a person who has died from addiction-related causes. This grief support differs from general grief support because the focus is specific to the traumatic loss and the stigma that often surrounds an addiction related death.
Presentations and Workshops
Recovering u offers presentations and workshops on a wide range of recovery topics that can be delivered in a variety of settings.
Meet Gloria Englund
Gloria Englund, founder of Recovering u breaks new ground in the field of addiction recovery and support. As an ally of the recovery community, she honors all pathways of recovery. She is a psychotherapist, who holds a Master of Arts degree in Human Development. As a certified Recovery Coach, she works with individuals and families dealing with an addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, and relationships. Gloria has personal as well as professional knowledge of addiction and recovery; her oldest son, Aaron, died of a heroin overdose in 2007. As an accomplished public speaker, advocate and published author, Gloria brings a message of hope and recovery to others.
Gloria offers two on-going coaching support groups. MRC CRAFT Family Support current flyer is a group for those who have a loved one experiencing active addiction, or who are new to recovery. A Different Kind of Grief© is a group for those who have a loved one who has died from addiction. Although there is time for personal check-in, both of these groups differ from traditional family recovery support groups and general grief support groups because there is a specific focus or theme for each gathering as well as coaching feedback to the group and/or individual members. Both groups are offered in six-week segments and limited to six members to allow for bonding and trust to establish quickly. Even though the majority of Gloria's personal recovery has centered around relationships with others, she is also in recovery from food addiction. Gloria has been in recovery for over 30 years.

My latest Blog Posts

What’s Changed in 10 Years
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Medication-Assisted Treatment: a Solution to the Statistics?
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Thoughts on Changing the Conversation
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